I will climb the mountain
I will cut my hands
and they will grow again
I heard a crack
and saw the light
shining out
of my heart
She said I have seven seasons
Or until next Midsummer day
Her dog, snake and horse lead the way.
Keys in my hands
Will it be in vain?
Walking through these lands
Will I still be sane?
I will drink the water
I will climb the mountain
I will cut my hands
And they’ll grow again
It’s dark outside
And it has always been
No one by my side
The light comes from within
It’s dark outside
And I won’t turn around
Nowhere to hide
Spirits are joining me down.
The Descent

It’s dark outside
And I won’t turn around
Nowhere to hide
Spirits are joining me down.
And I drank the water
And I climbed the mountain
And I cut my hands
And they grew again
I hear the crows, it’s soothing me
Feeling a glimpse of eternity
I hear the crows, they speak to me
As I reach immortality

The Descent

Keys in my hands
Will it be in vain?
Walking through these lands
Will I still be sane?
I will drink the water
I will climb the mountain
I will cut my hands
And they’ll grow again
It’s dark outside
And it has always been
No one by my side
The light comes from within
It’s dark outside
And I won’t turn around
Nowhere to hide
Spirits are joining me down.
It’s dark outside
And I won’t turn around
Nowhere to hide
Spirits are joining me down.
And I drank the water
And I climbed the mountain
And I cut my hands
And they grew again
I hear the crows, it’s soothing me
Feeling a glimpse of eternity
I hear the crows, they speak to me
As I reach immortality

Priestess or

And, I nurture the beasts in me So, at night they can still run free.
In my dreams, I write the future on
oak leaves, but in the morning,
They have flown away, leaving me
with nothing to say.
I dance on the rhythm of the
A crossroad; I follow the heart
Dreams leak into reality
A touch of spirituality
I dreamed that
a deer was chased
By wolves in haste
the deer was wounded, I woke up bleeding.
I read messages in the stones
I collect big and tiny bones.
Seeing the path ahead
I follow the golden thread
I cross the land of the dead
To the spirits, I bow my head.
Dreams leak into normality
A touch of immortality
I dreamed that
a fox was chased
By dogs in haste
the fox was wounded, I woke up bleeding.
Wounds mend
but scars remain,
Signs of soul untamed.
I walk through the gates
I challenge the Fates.
Dreams leak into banality
A touch of eccentricity
I dreamed that
a fox was chased
By dogs in haste
the fox was wounded, I woke up bleeding.
In both places,
I left pieces
Of my soul
I navigate
Between these states
To stay whole
And, I nurture the beasts in me
So, at night they can still run free.

The Red Shoes
But at last,
I heard a crack
And saw the light
Shining out
Of my heart

Sparks of Light, burning my eyes
Sound of the rain, drumming in my brain and my heart
Do I feel too much? Will this ever stop?
And I run to the light, spellbound and trapped
Charmed by your eyes
And I dance with the red, the shiny shoes
Until I die
I slow down, I just look around
So I will not break down and fall
As I froze down, my skin got cold
And then my heart, and my soul
Afraid to feel, afraid to live
And I run to the light, spellbound and trapped
Charmed by your eyes
And I dance with the red, the shiny shoes
Until I die
Years of soul-starvation
Led me to destruction
From devotion to addiction
Now looking for redemption
But at last,
I heard a crack
And saw the light
Shining out
Of my heart


In my fall, I caught your hand
In your eyes, I saw the promised land
Under the spell, I follow you
I did not see your beard was blue
If I let go, I keep falling, so I hold tight, I’m surviving
In Morpheus’ arms, I disappear
But my dreams are wild and full of fear
Will I break free or will I lose my sanity?
Time travelling unknowingly
I re-enact a memory
And I behaved ungracefully
Feeding the wolf hidden in me
If I let go, I keep falling, so I hold tight, I’m surviving
In Morpheus’ arms, I disappear
But my dreams are wild and full of fear
Will I break free or will I lose my sanity?
I tried to fit inside the frame
I was the one to blame
I unlocked the door eventually
And watch the blood flowing freely
And I let go
I broke free
Taming the wolf inside of me

In my fall, I caught your hand
In your eyes, I saw the promised land
Under the spell, I follow you
I did not see your beard was blue
If I let go, I keep falling, so I hold tight, I’m surviving
In Morpheus’ arms, I disappear
But my dreams are wild and full of fear
Will I break free or will I lose my sanity?
Time travelling unknowingly
I re-enact a memory
And I behaved ungracefully
Feeding the wolf hidden in me
If I let go, I keep falling, so I hold tight, I’m surviving
In Morpheus’ arms, I disappear
But my dreams are wild and full of fear
Will I break free or will I lose my sanity?
I tried to fit inside the frame
I was the one to blame
I unlocked the door eventually
And watch the blood flowing freely
And I let go
I broke free
Taming the wolf inside of me
The Sound of
the Winter Sun
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To reach the world of the three suns
She said I have seven seasons
Or until next Midsummer day
Her dog, snake and horse lead the way.

Whispers got louder during the day
And I knew they will not fade away
She knocked on my door on a snow day
She said it’s time to fly away
And I felt I was going astray
Endless sleepwalking during the day
And I had thousand reasons to stay
She gave me one to follow her way
I learned my missions with no delay
I won’t let my fears get in the way
And as I follow her through the day
Now, I feel stronger than yesterday
She said
Plant daylily in April-May
In a field seven mountains away
Traveling is in your DNA
Follow my dog, he’ll show you the way
To reach the world of the three suns
She said I have seven seasons
Or until next Midsummer day
Her dog, snake and horse lead the way.
She said
Pluck a fine feather of a blue jay.
I feared I couldn’t follow this screenplay
But She said it’s gonna be okay
And I let her snake show me the way
She said
Get a blessing from lands far away.
It’s cold outside, and the sky is gray
I won’t let my dream fall into decay
I let her horse carry me away
To reach the world of the three suns
She said I have seven seasons
Or until next Midsummer day
Her dog, snake, and horse lead the way.
Her torches lighting the night
By following the full rite
The three suns will ignite.
She said
Get a blessing from lands far away.
It’s cold outside, and the sky is gray
I won’t let my dream fall into decay
I let her horse carry me away
Carry me away
Carry me away
Carry me away
Whispers got louder during the day
And I knew they will not fade away
She knocked on my door on a snow day
She said it’s time to fly away
And I felt I was going astray
Endless sleepwalking during the day
And I had thousand reasons to stay
She gave me one to follow her way
I learned my missions with no delay
I won’t let my fears get in the way
And as I follow her through the day
Now, I feel stronger than yesterday
She said
Plant daylily in April-May
In a field seven mountains away
Traveling is in your DNA
Follow my dog, he’ll show you the way
To reach the world of the three suns
She said I have seven seasons
Or until next Midsummer day
Her dog, snake and horse lead the way.
She said
Pluck a fine feather of a blue jay.
I feared I couldn’t follow this screenplay
But She said it’s gonna be okay
And I let her snake show me the way
She said
Get a blessing from lands far away.
It’s cold outside, and the sky is gray
I won’t let my dream fall into decay
I let her horse carry me away
To reach the world of the three suns
She said I have seven seasons
Or until next Midsummer day
Her dog, snake, and horse lead the way.
Her torches lighting the night
By following the full rite
The three suns will ignite.
She said
Get a blessing from lands far away.
It’s cold outside, and the sky is gray
I won’t let my dream fall into decay
I let her horse carry me away
Carry me away
Carry me away
Carry me away
Sounds of childhood fading away
Warm memories of yesterday
Draped in black lace
My steps leave no trace
I had fallen from grace.
On a moonless night,
The trees grew larger,
the bushes thicker
Dark thorns reached to the sky
And as the years went by
I was stuck and couldn’t fly
It was not on purpose
It was more like a curse
The thorns of protection
Became a wall of isolation
On a full moon night, a white
bird flew through the sky
carrying a vial
with the tears of the moon’s cry.
The nectar dropped from the sky.
The thorns loosened
I awakened
Blood rushing through my veins
Breaking the hidden chains
The raven god had ignited
a golden curtain of flames
while a dragon was committed
to kill those dreaming of fame
I walked through the flames,
Unburned and reclaimed
my freedom
Killing the dragon
Blood on my face
I digested its flesh
Its beating heart has an iron taste
By dawn
The curse was undone
Ehos de Tonnerre

Vision du monde caricaturé,
Ombres chinoises désarticulées
Poignets et chevilles enchaînés
Comment pourrais-je me libérer ?
Dieu ailé, canin, ou ibissain
Poussières en nous du divin
Le démembrement est orchestré
Et les chaines brisées.
Parcourant les Chemins
d’hier et de demain.
Ancienne sapience délivrant ma conscience
« Je suis la connaissance et l’ignorance »
Les Albigeois ne meurent pas Cherche bien, elle est en toi
La brèche entre les deux mondes
Entends la voix d’Esclarmonde.
Des entrailles de la psyché
Réminiscence d’un savoir inné
Le souvenir des moines/guerriers
Infiltrait les âmes inspirées.
Parcourant les Chemins
d’hier et de demain.
Sans plus aucune crainte
« je suis la prostituée et la sainte »
Quand Les cinq bouddhas de la sagesse
s’expriment dans les pas de la druidesse.
Immortalité par métempsychose
Parcours piégés, créatures damnées, j’ose.
Parcourant les Chemins
d’hier et de demain.
M’abreuvant dans le fleuve d’éternité,
« Je suis insensée et avisée »
Et ils me trouveront là,
et ils vivront,
et ne mourront plus.
« Je suis celle qu’on nomme la vie,
et tu m’as nommée la mort »
De la noirceur, la lumière surgit
Des flammes d’or, le sang revit
Parcourant les Chemins
d’hier et de demain.
Laissant ces idées en moi infuser
J’ai rallumé les étincelles du feu sacré
I See Beauty

From devotion to addiction,
Now looking for redemption.
I was a cat once
With wolf eyes and nine lives.
I had my heart broken,
but this is how I learn.
Drifting, losing my way,
I felt trapped like a prey.
Then, I heard my true name
Reigniting the sacred flame.
Through the light of the winter sun, I hear
From the warmth of the winter sun, I see
In the Sound of the winter sun, I feel.
I see beauty, in the night, through my own light
I met a wolf once and he said
“Please think of me
for my consciousness to merge with your psyche”
Will I develop an immunity
against heartaches and pain
Or will I continue to be
tormented by regrets and shame?
my shadow touches me and sets me free.
I See Beauty

my shadow touches me and sets me free
Through the light of the winter sun, I hear
From the warmth of the winter sun, I see
In the Sound of the winter sun, I feel.
I see beauty, in the night, through my own light
I gathered back my scattered soul
Though, I had dropped pieces on the ground,
Where trees an flowers are now found
my shadow touches me and sets me free.
Through the light of the winter sun, I hear
From the warmth of the winter sun, I see
In the Sound of the winter sun, I feel.
I see beauty, in the night, through my own light